Wednesday 5 April 2017

NACRISS inaugurates new exco in UNICAL

By Davis Agabi

National Association of Cross Rivers State Students (NACRISS) University of Calabar chapter has inaugurated a new executive to pilot its affair for the 2017/2018 academic session.

The new exco has Mr. Imoh Alex Effiong as president, Miss. Eba Rose Mary-Vice President; Tawo Mathew Osang-Secretary  General; Atsu johnjoseph Obi-Deputy Secretary; Aboh Emmanuel Ejukwa-Financial Secretary.
Others are Edet Saviour Effiong-Treasurer, Effiong Wisdom-Director of Social; Effam Otu-Director Information; Effiong Micheal Augustine-Director of Welfare; and Akpet Ayang Njok-Provost Marshal.

Inaugurating the exco, Chairman of the occasion, Comrade Kingsley Ita Ikpeme acknowledged the effort so far made by the newly executive which propelled them to present position.

Ikpeme, challenged the president to urgently bring back the loss glory of Cross River students, maintaining that NACRISS is the mother of all unions in UNICAL.

He advised the students to shun all ant-social vices such as cultism, nudity, gangsterism, examination malpractice among others.
Ikpeme, who is the director general of Greater Calabar Capital City Development Agency, adviced students to take their studies seriously, reasoning that it is the main reason for being in school.

In his acceptance speech, president of the Union, Comrade Imo Alex Effiong, said his mission as well as vission for NACRISS, UNICAL. Chapter is to reform it by way of coordinating all the local governments for the rebranding, reuniting and provision of effective representation to all.

"As a congressman, I will operate a transparent government where the interest of all will always be protected" he promised.
He stated that his first assignment in office is to constitute a committee that will look into the issues of hostel accommodation, which before now has been partially allotted.

The NACRISS leader who identified lack of finances as one of the challenges faced by NACRITES in all campuses, used the occasion to appeal to the government, corporate organisations and well-meaning individuals to support the students, particularly the disabled and less privileged ones.

He urged the state government, Prof. Ben Ayade, to initiate bursary programme to assist all NACRITES.

Earlier, former NACRISS president 2001/2002 session, Comrade Joseph Coco-Bassey, advocate the need for Cross Rivers students over to embrace peace and work hard for the progress of the state and Nigeria.

He advised the students to refrain from all in-fighting back biting and rumour peddling for the sake of the progress of the Union.
The event featured the administration oath of office on the new issues exco.

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